About the Artist

Ann Place Starkey was born in 1957 in Avon, Ohio. She attended Salzburg College in Austria, San Francisco State University in California and received her Bachelor of Arts in Liberal and Creative Arts from University of Dayton, Ohio in 1981. She lives and works in Pennington, New Jersey and Orchid, Florida. Ann began with inspiring abstract photographs that led to her experimenting with acrylics, watercolors, oils. She tends to work on large canvases where color rules the day. Her abstractions reflect her changing moods and attitudes, and require intense study to discover true meaning. This new website allows a more public access to her work, but in an intimate and personal way.

Over the years, her paintings have been viewed in one-person shows at the New Jersey State Museum in Trenton and at The Nassau Club in Princeton. She freely admits inspiration from 20th Century artists such as Klee, Matisse, Frankenthaler, O’Keefe and Pollack, and more recently, Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell and Hilma af Klint. While several of her pieces have become part of private collections, much of her work is being offered for sale. Her original paintings may be viewed in the artist’s studio by appointment.


My Process

Starkey works from an intuitive basis, preferring to record her emotions. She paints from all perspectives rotating the canvas 360 degrees while working - a process which influences the final image.

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